In the US, we start the month with April Fool’s Day, traditionally a day
of jokes and laughter. However, in the mythic journey, the fool is
not foolish, but rather innocent and trusting that Spirit is always
guiding and that situations ultimately work out for the highest good.
This month, let’s all be fools for Spirit!
In this moment, I know that I am divinely guided every day in
every way! I trust Spirit to guide me in creating magnificent relationships, an incredible
career, abundant finances, and excellent health. My income is constantly increasing
as I receive financially from expected and unexpected sources. Every day I look in
the mirror and say “I love you” and other positive and encouraging words and
affirmations. Anything I need to know is revealed to me as I become quiet and listen
to my inner wisdom. And so it is!
From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen Journal by Patricia J. Crane, PhD.