We often look for signs from the universe from important and significant sources, but if we pay attention, we will find that the universe has a way of sending us signs from unexpected sources, and often with a sense of humor.
One example that always sticks with me was a beautiful Sunday morning in California when I pulled into my church parking lot feeling a bit anxious because I was just on the verge of being late. Right ahead of me was a driver who seemed lost in the ozone, stopping at every row to check for nonexistent spots. My impatience was mounting and I was thinking distinctly unloving thoughts about this driver when suddenly I noticed the car model was a Scorpio, my astrological sign, and the license plate said B HAPY. The anxiety and impatience dissolved as I laughed and said, “Thank you God,” out loud for the reminder to trust the moment and stay centered.
On another day, I was waiting for my next coaching client, but felt somewhat distracted thinking about a personal situation. I took a short walk out of my office to the parking lot. There I spotted a license plate that said B LITE- another reminder that when I relax and lighten up the situation will resolve. Divine timing showed up again and I had a great session with my client!
These gentle reminders from the Universe are everywhere if we only choose to be open and receptive to them. You must believe that there are answers to your questions and solutions from the most mundane to even the most significant challenges in your life. Guidance can come to you in the form of books, words from other people, license plates, videos, and insights during meditation or really anywhere.
Louise Hay’s Power Thought affirmation cards are a wonderful resource to have handy. You can ask a question about an issue in your life and, randomly, pull a card – no looking! At the beginning of a workshop I often have attendees randomly choose a card from this deck (or another one) and 95% of the time the affirmations on the card are relevant to some issue in the person’s life.
Do you need guidance about some issue in your life? Let go of trying to figure it out and let the Universe speak to you in an unexpected way!
-Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D.
Author, speaker, and trainer